Amis pilotes, ce forum vous appartient, ici vous pouvez nous faire part de vos impressions sur la course, Ce que vous avez aimé, ou moins aimé, poster des photos prises en vol etc...
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Friends, this is your forum, here you can give us your impressions on the race, What you liked or disliked, post screens taken in flight etc ...
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Dear Sirs,
Is it competition in Club class? What about water ballast?
Why Condor version 2.1.6 ?
Now actual version 2.1.7
Serveur Condor Cafe : 2.1.7 --- Hangar 22.
Vol mémorable ce samedi 05 février 2022 sur Hokkaido
Dear Sirs,
our Silver Wings team had a START problem on the Oahu task (competition day #8). We crossed the start line several times, but the start was not fixed.
Please advise what is the problem?
Hi Yaroslav,
It was a flight without a PDA. For the departure and for the passage of the TPs it is necessary to take a Screen. No screen no start.